Thursday, June 7, 2007

Touching the Void

What's harder to overcome physical or psychological hardships? Physical hardships can be healed, but psychological hardships could last a life time. As for Simon and Joe both struggling down the mountain to safety took two completely different experiences.

Joe has his struggle after falling not only with his hurt leg, but also knowing the fact that Simon could possibly leave him to die."It wasn't just broken, it was ruptured, twisted, crushed, and I could see the kink in the joint and knew what had happened"(Simpson p.72 and P.73). Joe knowing how bad his leg hurt he knew that he had to find some way to cope with the pain, so Simon would not leave him.

Simon had a very difficult decision to make about weather to cut the rope and free Joe or try and save him. When he finally made the decision and cut the rope he knew in his mind he would always feel quilt.

Both their journeys down the mountain were more than troublesome. Joe had to improvise with only one leg. He felt extreme pain and exhaustion the whole time. Simon dealt with the thoughts of returning and people questioning his decision on cutting the rope. He also felt guilt for leaving Joe and often wondered if he were alive.

Even when both returning to camp Joe still realized that Simon had risked his life to try and get him down; Simon still questions himself. "Thanks Simon," I said. "You did right"(Simpson p.189). Joe's kind words to Simon helped him feel better, but could not take away the guilt he had.

Years later Joe's leg had healed and he was able to overcome his physical hardship. As for Simon he would feel psychological hardship for the rest of his life. I think that with physical hardship it's temporary pain, but relief is hopeful, but as for psychological I think that anyone who was faced with a decision like Simon would take years to cope with the psychological pain.

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